The Latest Numbers

Posted by Admin Monday, October 31, 2011 0 comments
I have now posted 509 different women on my blog.

I've had a couple of problems with my count in the past,  but as of now, it's accurate.  I hope to keep it that way going forward, but if you ever see a discrepancy in my count in the future, please, I beg you, call me on it!

Also, if you have any suggestions, please let me know.  I consider "Pictures of Beautiful Women" to be a very communitarian blog.

(Note: The October Surprise snowstorm that crippled the American Northeast crippled me as well; I've been without power since the storm, and I'm posting this blog entry from my local public library.  Fortunately, I do have some new posts ready going into November, but I'll more likely wait several days before I resume posting.  Thank you for your patience.)