CBS newswoman Lesley Stahl
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The term "thnking man's sex symbol" has been used a bit too often, and it can be taken as an internal contradiction, but when comedian Bill Maher applied it to Lesley Stahl, it made sense enough for me.
Lesley Stahl has reported for CBS's news magazine show "60 Minutes," since 1991, and she wore several other hats at the Tiffany network's news department before that. She was CBS's White House correpsondent in the late seventies and early eighties, and she was the moderator for the Sunday morning talk show "Face the Nation" in the eight years before her move to "60 Minutes."
This blogger got to see Lesley Stahl in person when she published her memoir, "Reporting Live," in 1999 and discussed her book at a small bookstore in New Jersey. And yes, she looks the same in person as she does on camera.
She's married to author Aaron Latham.