The Glamorous Side of Kim Alexis
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
For all of her association with swimsuit issues of Sports Illustrated, Kim Alexis has been first and foremost a model of high fashion and beauty products. It was her poses in ad campaigns for Chantilly perfume (from which the photo below is taken) and Ultima II cosmetics, along with appearances on more than five hundred magazine covers, that made her one of the most popular and most ubiquitous models of all time.

Kim Alexis parlayed her modeling career into activities in other media, such as television. She's been an fashion editor for "Good Morning America," she's hosted health programs on the Family Channel and Lifetime, and more recently, "She's Got the Look," a TV Land contest show that looks for models over the age of 35.

Kim Alexis, who turned fifty in July 2010, should know better than most people that age is no impediment to beauty. :-)