Actress Julianne Moore
Monday, January 24, 2011
Julianne Moore is easily one of the most accomplished American actresses in recent history.

One of the most regal and refined stars in Hollywood, Ms. Moore has graced many a movie with her presence. While she's well known for roles in the Jurassic Park and Hannibal Lecter series (she replaced Jodie Foster as Clarice Starling in 2001's Hannibal), she has also distinguished herself in cult favorites such as Benny and Joon and in small movies such as the 1994 film version of Anton Chekhov's Vanya on 42nd Street, in which she played Yelena.

She received a multitude of accolades for her performances in two 2002 releases - as 1950s suburban housewife Cathy Whitaker in Far From Heaven and as Laura Brown in The Hours.